Posted by: lifesoar | November 21, 2011


I would like to thank everyone for taking the time  give me your feedback. It fills me with joy and gratitude to know that my book has touched each of you in some way.

Dumala Kucki,

I feel as if I’m right beside you and it’s First Class All the way!!!  I’m reading your book and I must say I love you more with every page. You are such an Amazing person and I am forever blessed by your friendship.

Keep in touch. I so love hearing of your adventures.

What a Perfect life!


Ms T

Hi Kucki,

I finished reading your book couple of days ago…I knew I’d enjoy it.  BUT honestly, I can’t even express how much I enjoyed reading it.  It was such a delight and I resonated with it so much, once I started to read it, I couldn’t put it down.  You are magnificent, Kucki and your story is so inspirational.  It was amazing how some of your thoughts and feelings jumped out at me and captured exactly what I had journal’d literally the morning right before I picked up your book to start reading it.  It touched my heart and rang so true to my heart I had tears welling up constantly.

Thank you for the gift of sharing your life with me!

I look forward to talking to you soon and seeing you in person in about a month!!  Maybe Mike can make me his now famous banana cheese sandwich for lunch 😀

Much love, Linda.

Hi Kucki,
I finished your book last night and wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed it.
You certainly have a way with words.  It is so well written and filled with passion and adventure.  I’m curious as to how you remember events of your life with so much detail.  Did you keep a daily journal?  You are very brave to write so much about your life and yourself for all to view.  Thanking you for sharing it.  It is very inspirational.
Deborah will be reading your book next and then her mother.

Kind regards,
Chuck S

Thank you so much for sharing your inspirational life story.  It is really amazing how you moved from Austria to South Africa and now Canada all the while growing as a woman and developing your spiritual essence.

Your book is a must read for anyone interested in improving their own life and reaching their goals because “you” light the way along their “flight path”.  

Best of Blessings, 

Dr. Dharma

Hi Kucki,

I can’t put your book down, it’s fabulous! It’s so well written, so personal, so intense. It’s one of the most interesting books I have read. Wonderful writing, lots of heart, lots of humour, lots of kindness.


Brian M

Dear Kucki,

I would very much like my daughter-in-law Heather to meet you, She has read your book too, and knows several of the people you mention toward the end of the book who have helped you on your journey to serenity through yoga and meditation.  Your life story is a real inspiration to us all!!   So glad to hear that you are in demand as a speaker at the conferences in S.A.

Janet H

Hi Kucki,

I have just finished reading your book and I just wanted to tell you that I have SO ENJOYED it…!!!!…I can really relate to SO much of what you wrote….Gratitude is SUCH a big part of my life…I work (part time ) as an art therapist in a private drug & alcohol unit, and have seen first- hand the transformation of clients who can connect with that concept..!!!

Lots of love to you

Lizzie (and John) XXX

Gobbled it up!
I took your book with me to the Island last week to accompany me with
the cleaning out of our cottage (mobile home) that we have rented out
 for the last 3 years.THANK GOD!
Anytime I was overwhelmed with another closet or stash of garbage,
I curled up onto my clean bed in the corner and literally got carried
away with another one of your adventures. I couldn't put the book down !!
I'm not the speediest reader but I was done in 2 days
(the cleaning can wait :^)
What a journey you've travelled ! I could relate to so much . . .
I loved your descriptions of being in flight alone . . .and
all the 'Mike' connections . . .  and how I was brought to visit my
own relationship with my Dad . . . you are so brave.
Thank you for putting the book in my hands... THANK YOU!
May you continue to inspire and uplift; your gift.
Lindsay C

I enjoyed Kucki’s book – it is honest, well told, and highly engaging. I hope it will sell very well!

Best regards, Sean

Dear Kucki

My words were heartfelt! You have written a highly readable, entertaining, honest book! That’s rare in anyone’s experience. Well done! We’re delighted that it has opened doors for you and started a new chapter. That is as it should be.
Natalie joins me in sending warm good wishes, Sean

Hi Kucki,
Once I got home, I had little interest in anything else but reading
your book! Not the plan to read it now right? but you never know when
you will be pulled to do something! All I wanted was to drink tea and
read your book, so off I walked to the near~by cafe to settle in and
read.  I am loving it, you write very well and I think that knowing
you a little is helpful and contributes to my enjoyment of it and I
can hear your voice telling your story as I read it, which I love!
I love the photos you included and your honesty.  The quotes are also
amazing.  I always say, a good book is one you think about after you
have put it down to do some other things throughout your day and you
see the story unfolding in your mind and cannot wait to return to it,
that is how I felt as I walked back from the cafe and made dinner,
I picked it up right after dinner. You inspire me!
Love Lara

Hi Kucki,

I’ve been reading your book all week, enjoying all your tales from your life immensely! It’s so much fun to know you so well now. I wrote about you in my blog today :

I have just finished reading Kucki Low’s new book “This is Kucki Your Pilot Speaking: The Inspirational Life Story of South Africa’s First Female Commercial Airline Pilot.”  It is a wonderful tale of a bright, strong woman, born in Austria, raised in South West Africa, who fell in love with flying and determined to become a pilot.

She made sacrifices to follow her dream and used every available extra dollar for flying lessons, eventually becoming a flight instructor at a local airport. One of the first students who phoned to book a lesson was told that he was so lucky the club had just hired the only woman flight instructor in South Africa, and that there was a booking available that afternoon. His comment was, “I’ll try anything once”. One thing led to another and we were married a couple of years later.

Kucki has followed her bliss throughout her life; trading in her passion for flying for a new found love of husband and family, immigrating to Vancouver, Canada, starting businesses, having adventures, and having fun.

Now she shares with audiences worldwide the inspirational story of how she found her path to a joyous life by following her passions. To inquire about speaking engagements, please email her at

Dear Kucki,

Thank you so much for sharing your story.  You have already had such a full, unconventional, and adventurous life!

It’s amazing how similar our stories become, after such a different beginning.  You spoke about how, once you embarked upon your spiritual journey, everything seemed to snowball.  I experienced the very same thing!

It’s like once you get it, you really, really get it … and then you can see the answer everywhere you turn!  I share your surprise that it took so long to see it.  When it started happening for me, I wondered if it were something that had to happen later in life for me, or if I could have seen it earlier.  Of course the answer is that it happens when it happens, and for reasons that will likely only become apparent long after the fact.

I really enjoyed learning about your gratitude journal.  I think I might try that.  I also really enjoyed your insight that “In many ways houses are no different from relationships.  The beauty is revealed by the effort and love that goes into them.”  What a lovely sentiment!

I love that when we share experiences with others, they become part of our own.  We are all so connect and that can be such a beautiful thing!  I am so grateful to be part of the Kundalini community and to have met so many amazing people.

Thank you again for sharing your story, and thank you for signing my book!  I cannot help but feel joyous when I am surrounded by the positive energy that you and others at the studio provide.

If I had a gratitude journal right now, you would definitely be an entry!  I’m looking forward to when we can take classes together again — See you soon!

Much love,

Donna K

Dear Kucki Low

With much interest I read your book which I purchased from Joseph’s store at Parkgate

So ein Abenteuer!

Your inspirational writings took me back to the days in the 1950’s when my closest friends were the South Westers going to school in Cape Town.

best wishes

karl L

I have finished your wonderful book!

Wow!  Well done!  What a fantastic read! I really enjoyed reading it and learning more about you :

Its very easy to read and its an inspiration.

Thank you very much for sharing it with us .


What joy I have had from your book….I cannot describe the memories that have come up for me, the smell of photo von Gerlach,Timothy the cockerl oh how I laughed, found old photo of barn cottage pepper trees…. I actually planted one at home and of course have thorn tree for xmas every year.

Thank you so much for sharing your memories which brought back so many of my own. I certainly knew your story but not your emotions around them,,… “too young you know”.

Will chat again soon when I have finished the book… to read bye



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